Friday, February 04, 2005

Free ipods UK New Offers

Just to let you all know I just got another email off free ipods UK they have added some more offers, so there is now even more choice, don't forget you only have to complete two offers and get five people to sign up and complete two offers them selves, to get your free ipod mini.

We have three new sponsored offers now available:


Today, there are millions of people living in poverty across the world. Each and every day is a struggle for survival. Oxfam works in over 70 countries worldwide, helping people to work their own way out of poverty.

Setup a monthly gift online and help Oxfam overcome poverty and suffering.

Join at:


In some developing countries poverty kills 1 in 3 children in their infancy. Make a difference and sponsor a child now from as little as 60p a day, the cost of a can of soft drink.

Join at:

WWF Adoption

WWF offer six animal adoptions – tiger, dolphin, panda, orang-utan, rhino and elephant. By adopting an animal you can help to safeguard the future of their species, and help WWF to seek long-term sustainable solutions for the benefit of people and nature.

Join at:

If you wish to review the alternative sponsored offers then please log in to your account and select the link marked 'Offers'.

All the best,
I have taken the links out as they would be of no use to you.


Anonymous said...

ive set up a conga line at sign up and get your freeipod quicker!

Wes said...

thanks for the linl, but i have already got 55 people to sign up under me. 4 have completed or are going to soon, so i only need one more person to compleate and I am done.